1– You Do Not Need To Press The Blue Pay Button On The “Post An Item” Page.
2- Please , kindly IGNORE the Automatic email below you receive asking for payment, after successfully posting your item which reads
“ Your item is waiting for payment. You can make this payment by using your user dashboard page.”
3. Ignore the above. Your item will be processed for FREE. So please, Do Not PAY , once you have successfully posted.
During this free period, we shall aim to renew your listings whenever they expire each month within approximately 48 hours. PLEASE IGNORE ALL OR ANY requests for payment of any type. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PAY EVEN USD1 at this free time.
NOW POSTING Instructions below and remember Do Not PAY and ignore the automatic email you receive asking for payment once you have posted. Happy Posting.
Every Property Price Must Only be Displayed in US$
Simply Upload Your Item, Wait For It To Complete Loading. ThenSimply Press the “Submit” But ton.
Can’t Find Your Country and You Want to Post A Property? No Problem. Simply Load it Under Any Country and We Will Create a Heading for Your Country during the Approval Process.
List your property
Posting your properties to Property Parliament is as easy as clicking the Post an Item tab at the top right of the page and following the easy step-by-step directions.
To ensure the process of adding your property is quick and easy, please have the following information handy:
Image Sizes
Please ensure that your images are no larger than 900 pixels wide for optimum display and load time. If you have small images, approximately 400 pixels or smaller, enlarging these can cause a loss in quality resulting in pixelated, grainy images. If you have any difficulty sizing your images there are many free online tools which can help.
Create an account or log-in
Upon clicking the Post an Item tab, you’ll be directed to either log-in or create an account. If you have an account you may enter your username and password to log-in or use the Forgot Password option to reset your password. If you are not a member, click the Register tab and you will be prompted to enter your username and email address to create an account.
Basic or Featured Listings
The very first field on the Submit Property page is the option to turn on the Featured Property status. For an additional fee, this feature offers your property enhanced visibility and placement at the top of the listings
Listing Duration
Your property will be displayed on our site for one month, after which your property will no longer be visible.
Recurring Payments
You may set this option to automatically renew your subscription upon expiration, via PayPal Recurring Payment checkbox.
Add and Submit Property
Upon successful log-in you’ll be directed to the Submit Property page where you will be prompted to fill out the necessary fields to post your property.
The fields are:
Step 1- Place cursor over your Profile (DO NOT CLICK)
Step 2- Now move cursor down to My Properties (Now Click)
Step 3- Click on the Edit button with the white pencile against the grey background
Step 4- You may now Delete photos and Upload Photos below the area you may delete photos
Payment Pending
On clicking the Submit tab you’ll get a new page with the notice ‘New item successfully added’. At this point your property is in our system but not yet published. We shall check and publish your properties shortly.
Email Notification
You’ll also receive an email notification upon submission of your property with the message: “Your item is waiting for payment. You can make this payment by using your user dashboard page.”
You will be reminded via email or telephone at regular daily intervals if there is any delay between submission and payment.
To complete the payment process click the Pay button, and you will be prompted to pay immediately using PayPal. The checkout process takes place on PayPal’s secure payment page.
Pay via PayPal
Your ‘My Properties’ list will show all properties added and those pending payment. To complete payment for your pending properties, click the Pay button and you’ll be redirected to PayPal. If you have a PayPal account you can log-in and pay. If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can pay with a credit card.
After Payment
Once your PayPal or credit card transaction is completed, you’ll be automatically directed back to the property listing page. You’ll also receive an automatic email notification from Property Parliament Auto Mail System with the message: “Thank you for your payment. Your item is waiting for admin approval.”
Payment received- Pending Approval
After successful payment, your listing status will change from ‘Pending Payment’ to ‘Pending Approval‘.
Property Parliament admin will confirm that funds have been received and will activate your listing. The listing will then go live for public viewing.
Please ensure that your images are not large in size as they would take too long to upload. Ideal size is about 900 px wide. There are many free online tools to resize images so that the proportions are maintained.
If you have small images, say 400 px in size, it’s better not to use them as enlarging from a small size to large causes pixelation and loss of quality, with the image looking grainy.
Upon clicking the Post an Item button, you’ll be directed to either log-in or create an account. If you have an account you may log-in or use the ‘Forgot Password’ to reset your password.
The very first field on the Submit Property page is the option to turn on the Featured Property status. The Featured Property option has more visibility than others. For an additional fee, when you enable this option and appear on top of listings.
Listing Duration
Your property will be displayed on our site for a maximum number of 31 days as set, after which your property will no longer be visible unless you renew or come again some time in the future.
Recurring Payments
You may set this option to automatically renew upon expiration, via Paypal Recurring Payment checkbox.
Upon successful log-in you’ll be directed to the Submit Property page whee you may fill out all the fields to post your property.
The fields are:
Payment Pending or Approval Pending During Free Promotion until September 2nd 2015
You will be reminded at regular intervals if there is any delay between submission and actual payment.
After successful payment, your listing status will change from ‘Pending Payment’ to ‘Pending Approval‘.
Property Parliament admin will confirm that funds have been received and will activate your listing. Listing will then go live for public viewing.
CAUTION Please ensure you check you listings very carefully before saving and exiting your property. This is because an Administration fee of US$1 will be charged for each time Customer Care is required to make changes on your behalf.